Monday, January 1, 2018

Truth is, this is our Universe

This may seem obvious to some. But to me, I've always thought of our world as being in His Universe. Him being the Creator of Heaven and Earth. You know, the Big Man upstairs. God. Whoever or however you see the greater power than thyself. But, recently, one word changed all that for me. When I read this word I had to re-read it twice. The Multiverse! I've always struggled with our little Earth orbiting our little star in this little solar-system. A little spec in our galaxy. And our galaxy being a spec in the billions of galaxies of the known Universe. OK. That's big enough for me. We technically can't even see it all. OK, maybe, I'll believe in a biverse or an otherverse, but a Multiverse. Please. It lends to reason then that there are probably billions of universes then too. Just how big is God anyways? I was relatively comfortable with the idea of, "God of all the Universe," but the Multiverse. Where the heck is that? Truth is, I am grateful enough to be a spec in His Universe. One in a billions. Going to leave it that for now.