I can't speak for Him. I don't claim to have all the answers. But I do know the truth. Truth is, there is the way we wish it to be and there is the way it is. There is the way it aught to be and there is the way it is. Things should be fair and honest and just, but they are not. Life should be easy, but it isn't. God is in the what is. God's Will is the way it is. God has given us the greatest gift known to us. He's given us Freedom. She has given us our own free will. We get to choose. Freedom begets Love. You must be free to Love. God Loves us so He has set us free. We are free to deny She exists. We are free to hate Him. We are free to worship his creation. We are free to worship idols. We are free to worship heroes or money or ourselves. But, if we choose God. If we choose to Love God our Love is true. So, He Loves us so much She let us free. He wishes to be Loved so She makes this freedom absolute. This absolute freedom subjects us to the world as it is. This world is full of meaning. This world is full of life.
Why do bad things happen? Bad gives meaning to good. Truth is, death gives meaning to life. I have found God is the light in the darkness. God is the solace in the suffering. God is there in the grief. Seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given. Love and you will be loved. Seek the Light. Seek the Truth. Seek Love. And you will find God.