Truth is, God Gave Us a Heart for those moments in Life when we have to face the unthinkable, The unbearable moments when there are no answers. Those times when the mind becomes overrun, blows a fuse, shuts down, try's to reboot, but comes up blue-screen or worse dies. Sometimes the unthinkable will not compute.
Truth is, that's why God gave us a heart. Sure, it breaks and it bleeds. It races and lumps in our throats. But when the mind shuts down the heart beats on. It feeds our soul. It presses on. According to our needs, it speeds up and it slows down. It sustains us. It's rythum defines us. Its more than muscle, as we are more than this bio-mechanical machine in which we ride. It powers the mind and body with fuel and energy. The generator and alternator in one power-pack running Independantly from our conscience thoughts.
As the body is to the person. The mind and heart are the physical manifestation of the Spirit and Soul. Our Being, our consciousness, our thoughts that come spontaneously into existence are not random, nor are they voluntary. Do we create our thoughts from nothing? Can we decide not to think? Can we stop our thoughts and see from where they came? See who made them. Is there something or someone there in that nothing. Is the spark that jolts our heart and lights our brane from the same creature who sends lightning boltz from the sky. Are we the nothing from where these thoughts arise? Are we creature or creator of our universe? Is our Being separate or a part of this world? If we are in fact inseparable and indivisible from the whole of the Universe are we not also implicit creators of it. Must the creator stand outside and apart from that which it creates? Our thoughts are the only example of us being able to create something from nothing. We turn thought into words and words into ideas and ideas into action and we turn something that is there into something that is new. An artist creates art that previously had not existed. A writer creates a story that previsouly had never been told. A builder builds. The Creator creates. The mind thinks. The heart beats.
We are the nothing prior to our thoughts.