Thursday, June 29, 2017

Truth is Forever

Truth is, growing up I thought some things were forever. Now that I'm grown I know things are just things. Here today gone tomorrow. The things that meant the world to me then are dust now. Barely remembered. Forgotten. People aren't things, but they also come and go. Most people are like the wind. Some people are here today then drift away. Some are here for the season. Some for the semester. Some for the year and maybe three or four, but the truth is most people who come into our lives leave and your memory of them fade. So things go and people leave, but sometimes something special is left behind. More than a memory. The things we cherish change us insinde. If we had to pay a great price, work for it, earn it or it was given to us by someone special. We don't only remember the thing we remember how it made us feel. When some people leave sometimes  something special is left behind in their wake. Something great. Something that lasts. Something we can pass on. A legacy. It is not something that can be easily given. It is not what you give it's what you leave behind after your gone. Something wonderful. Something they can pass on to another. Something that can be passed down. Something worth sharing. The truth. A love and appreciation of the truth and an ability to discover the truth for themselves. Appreciate it. Love it. Know it. This is one of the few things that are timeless. The yearning for truth. Finding it for yourself. Finding love. Loving what you have found. Loving yourself. Finding love in you. Knowing you.  Knowing the truth. Knowing love. Knowing the truth is forever. True love is for ever. The truth is love. Truth is forever.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Truth is, Life is

That's it. Its not this or that. It just is. In this man-made world of polar opposites it has only one rival. Death. If you are not dead you have life! Life is good even if it sucks. 

I read the other day a few things that made me laugh. I think the title was Old Guy Wisdom and was a list of truths. One was, "Life is the number one cause of death." Another, "Life is sexually transmitted." Both of these witticisms are a root cause of this post. My life is because my mom and dad made love. I will experience death because I am alive. I must officially be an Old Guy as this wisdom to me is profound. We are born. If we are blessed and fall in love and through this love transmit Life then we die and still Life is...